Tag Archives: editing

You will love this! Now you can view, comment and write on PDF forms at personal.crocodoc


This has got to be one of the most useful tools that I have found recently while doing my never ending web tools searches.  This will be a game changer in the way you collaborate, view word documents and fill out forms, especially PDF’s.  Let me introduce personal.crocodoc, (there is another site for companies but this is for individual use), and make you smile.  Below is a description from the site regarding what this tool can do, and my bet is you will like it.  There was no mention about how much storage space you are allowed anywhere on the site, but once you create a doc, you can save it to your computer.  Log in and make an account to keep your docs, and the best part, its ALL FREE!

Why Crocodoc?

“Sharing and reviewing documents and presentations with others can be quite a pain. Crocodoc was built to change that, alleviating the need to email attachments back and forth, print and pass around hard copies, or install expensive collaboration software.

Crocodoc takes your PDFs, Word documents, and PowerPoint presentations, and lets you view and mark them up online. Documents can be shared with others, who can collaboratively highlight or strikeout text, add notes and comments, and make revisions. All files are stored securely on our servers, and can be password protected and encrypted for maximum security.”

I have tried out this tool and it works great!  The uses are endless.  I needed to write goals on my Anger Coping groups’ personal goal sheet.  I uploaded the PDF document to crocodoc and I was able to type on the document using different goals for each student.  You don’t have to save what you type, you can just push print, delete what you don’t want and type  different statements in.  I also used this tool to assist a student with filling out his service learning hours sheet to make a cleaner presentation.  You can now fill out those PDF’s that are sent to you, save your marked up copy and then send it to the receiver by email.  Crocodoc even allows you to save your original and marked up copies for further use.  Think about using some of the social emotional worksheets with a personalized touch for each student.  Another cool thing is that this tool allows you to collaborate with others, making a social emotional assignment really cooperative.  Here is a sample I made, you can try it for yourself.  http://personal.crocodoc.com/GCoZl8c              Go to personal.crocodoc site